Energy healing can help with balancing the mind, body and soul so that you can achieve you optimum physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.
My specialism is crystal therapy which a holistic energy healing treatment. There are other forms of energy healing including reiki, reflexology and acupuncture to name a few but my knowledge will always lean towards crystals because that, quite simply, is my thing. It doesn’t mean that other forms of energy healing are wrong or bad, quite the opposite…..I use a reflexologist and a reiki practitioner myself!
Energy healing can help you if you find the right therapist
I trained for years under an ACHO accredited school to get my qualifications. So when I come to write about and talk about what energy healing can help with I simply fall back onto that which I know and that which I’ve both studied and practised for many, many years.
And, whilst I know you will have heard this many times before, but the start point for finding yourself any energy healer is to find someone who is fully trained, qualified and insured. If your practitioner cannot evidence these things it’s unlikely they know what they are doing and can help you with very much at all. If they are unwilling to evidence these things frankly, run a mile! Anyone with the qualifications will be delighted to show them off!
What type of issues can crystal therapy address?
In the main, it is normally physical or emotional issues that motivates a client to send me a message asking me if energy healing can help them. This might be
- a cancer diagnosis
- a sense of being unwell even though their Doctor is telling them that their blood results are all within normal ranges
- hormonal imbalance resulting in infertility or disease
- low energy levels
- sleeplessness
- post surgical malaise (the feeling that you’ve never been quite right since you had a surgery)
- grief
- trauma
- fear
- guilt
- low self confidence
And sometimes a diagnosis of
- depression
- anxiety
Energy healing can help with all of the above.
As a crystal therapist, all of the above are simply symptoms of imbalance elsewhere. I use my training and experience to find that imbalance and fix it.
And there are some added bonuses too!
The symptoms clear up but so do other physical ailments that the client hadn’t even bothered to share with me! You see, when a symptom becomes normal, we get conditioned to believing that it cannot be changed.
This just isn’t true. Because it works at a cellular level, energy healing helps get to the root cause of illness so that ALL of it’s manifestations start to resolve.
I’ve seen lifelong psoriasis disappear in a month. I wasn’t treating the psoriasis, the client hadn’t even told me about it! But when I repaired their meridians, damaged during surgical procedures, and cleansed their aura the psoriasis just melted away.
Clients whose mindset was holding them back end up with a renewed sense of purpose on top of getting a good nights sleep which was all they had hoped for in the first instance.
Still others who felt they had the weight of the world on their shoulders, completely exhausted and overwhelmed. Now they have renewed energy that makes them feel years younger, but they are also possessed of a clarity that they did not know was possible!
It all sounds ‘whacky’ because it doesn’t come in a bottle with dosage instructions but hey, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it!
Find out how energy healing can help you.
I offer a free consultation to talk you through how I can help you. I’m no sales woman (I wish I were!) so I guarantee there is no hard sell at all.
Use this link to book your appointment at a time that suits you.
We’ll run through a health questionnaire and agree how I can use energy healing to get you feeling amazing. And that is the goal, I want all of my clients to feel amazing. I want all of them, including you, to be the best version of themselves. Because I love what I do and I love my clients and I love how energy healing can transform lives.