Here you’ll find the answers to the questions we get asked the most. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to get in touch to see how we can help.

I don’t know anything about crystals. Will this work for me?
Yes, the Stone & Joy Club was created for you! You can join with a very minimal understanding without issue. As long as you are interested in crystals and how they can have a positive impact on your life, you’ll fit right in.
Remember, Stone & Joy is all about getting the extraordinary power of crystals into the hands of ordinary people. Being crystal curious is the only credential you need.
How much time do I need to commit each month?
The Club is designed to fit into the pockets of time that work best for your schedule. See it as a self-care activity.
Come along to the fortnightly treatments in the Facebook group live or watch the recording. If you can’t attend live it really doesn’t matter, I will be sending the energy for you to receive at a time that is safe and convenient for you.
Interact with the posts in the Facebook group to get extra support, extra know-how and pick up knowledge in bite-sized chunks.
We host monthly workshops on topics from crystal care to making your own crystal aura sprays – pick and choose which ones peak your curiosity.
Work through the foundation course at your own pace, and only if you wish, it isn’t essential.
How you spend your time is up to you. The Stone & Joy Club can take an hour of your time a fortnight or you can check in with what’s going on in the Facebook group daily.
How long do I need to be part of the Club?
Again this is up to you. You aren’t stuck in a contract. There is no cut off point. Sign up and stay as long as you find it useful. Each month you’ll learn something new so there’s always new knowledge to gain, new treatments to receive and new practices to try out. You can stay for 12 months and still be expanding your knowledge of crystals, still benefitting from the treatments.
Why Stone & Joy?
We are totally unique in our approach to bringing crystals to a wider audience. Yes, you get access to group treatments each month but it’s more than that. You’re empowered with knowledge on how to actually use and look after crystals in a totally accessible way. You have access to a community of like-minded individuals who are on the same learning journey as you. I’m here to help you along every step of the way through live workshops and group discussions.
We’re bringing crystals into the 2020s to help people who haven’t had the resources to use their power until now.
When will the price change?
The normal monthly price is £97 but I’ve reduced it to £37 for 30 new members. There’s no time limit on the offer, but once we’ve got to 30 members then the offer will expire.
Still deliberating?
Let me help you out. The Stone & Joy Club is for you if:
- You’re feeling imbalance and overwhelm even after having exhausted mainstream methods of wellbeing
- You’d like a natural solution to empower you to live your best life whether that’s giving an awesome presentation at work or taking your family to a dream holiday destination
- You already have an affinity with crystals and they have made an appearance throughout your life but you’ve never found a community that suited you
- You’re excited to learn and develop a deeper understanding of the real power crystals hold and how to harness it
- You’re ready to shift the negative energy you’re carrying around and welcome positive energy in
- You’d like a bit of Stone & Joy in your life
If any of these statements resonate with you, I’d love to see you inside The Stone & Joy Circle!