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Thanks for registering for the 4 Day Virtual Retreat!

You are in for a real treat, we start each evening with some crystal education and then we wrap up with a beautiful crystal treatment that is delivered to you using distance healing techniques.  The feedback on previous events has been fantastic!

Nearer the time you’ll receive a workbook that will help you to take notes – you’ll have plenty of time to print in the office before we start!  And, of course, the all important zoom link!

The stressy part is that very often all of this vital information goes to spam folders.
You will already have just been sent a confirmation email and there’s at least a 75% chance that that will have gone to spam.
If it has, the best thing you can do is to move this first email from spam to your inbox.
Then, fingers crossed, your workbook and zoom access will all start to turn up at the right times.

Finally, If you’re not already following us on social media, why not come and say hi there too…

Much love
Jo x